Thursday, March 8, 2012

So Where to Start?

I suppose this is the beginning of my personal photo blog.  A place for me to just ramble about all the amazing places I get to go, people I meet, and things I get to see.

In case anyone is actually reading this, I apologize ahead of time for the terrible grammar and punctuation.  Also, if you ever read a sentence (or entire post for that matter) that makes no sense; it's not you, it's me, trust me.

A little insight into the person behind the words and the photos: I love the outdoors, tromping around in the woods, driving down the back roads with my wonderful fiance.  I'm a sucker for a good book, I get excited about food, I HATE spiders, ticks, and dark water.  I love to wax on about philosophical things.  I love tattoos.  I have some awesome friends, the coolest brothers, and incredible parents.  Oh, and generally, the only time you'll ever find me wearing matching socks is upon first opening them or if they have a super sweet design on them (think The Nightmare Before Christmas(isque) striped patterns).

Music is another huge passion in my life and, for me, merges right with my photography.  So every once in a while I may suggest a song to go with the images.  Sometimes it may make sense with them, sometimes it may not.

Should be some interesting times ahead!

I'll leave you with some of my favorite images so far, and what you should be listening to is Red Hot Chili Peppers-Around the World:


  1. Ali, for the BW picture of the railroad tracks, was it as foggy as the picture seems, or was did you use some sort of shot or editing to enhance the fade away? It reminds me of when I used to live at my old house. Our back yard had tracks that ran through the back. Also, did you happen to take a far focus shot of the trail with leaves? I think it would be pretty cool to see that.

  2. Nope it was that foggy :). Yea I did take a shot where all the leaves were in focus but it's honestly not as interesting, too cluttered.

  3. Two socks are born
    One gets a hole
    The other is worn
    right down to the soul
    One sock is lost
    another sock found
    Together they keep
    Your feet on the ground

  4. Ali, my mom told me when I was little that the definition of art is "something someone made that makes you "feel" something". Though it's a simple explanation, it stuck with me, and I use it to gauge how I feel about art-- how does it make me feel? You know I love you and so you may think I may be biased when I tell you these pictures are amazing. But when I brought this page up and saw all your photos lined up one right after another, I... felt. I felt moved. And yeah, I felt proud for my friend who captured these moments in such a special way, but believe me, just having a good camera has very little to do with how you've portrayed the images above. You need to know when and where to push the button on that fancy shmancy piece of equipment, and what to do with the pictures afterwards to make them look the best that they can. You have talent, dear friend. You're an artist. Please be wise, and USE YOUR TALENT! Get your name out there! I'll do my part, too, and tell everyone I can about you (with your permission first, of course). Thanks for starting a blog! :)

