Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Miles Amorelli Designs

In February I was driving around, trusty camera gear hanging out in the passenger seat, looking for something to catch my eye.  The sky was boring, the sunset didn't look like it was going to be that inspiring, so I was looking for anything to offset my normal landscape stuff.

I'll tell you right now, I have the worst directional sense in the world.  Seriously ask anyone who knows me.  I'm so happy Nick bought us a Garmin otherwise I'd probably still be lost driving down some random road in the direction I think the highway is.  So I ended up at the end of this road I was on (which happened to be very close to the "Coors Light Power Lines") and *boom*, there was the highway, and I was on the access road next to it.  So I took a right, still looking for a subject and I drove by this:

Wait...what the hell...was that a horse?  So I turned around and drove by again...

I did one more turn around and crept by for good measure (and to work up my confidence to get out and shoot it).  I pulled into the parking lot and was greeted by a two adorable dogs and a guy who introduced himself as Miles, owner of Miles Amorelli Designs.

We chatted a bit and I asked him if I could take a few shots of the horse which he had no problem with!

These pictures honestly don't do it any justice.  To give you an idea of how big it is...well, you can actually sit on it!! Yes it's life sized and it's absolutely beautiful!

There were a few more awesome things outside to shoot:

After I had been snapping for a while, Miles came back out and asked me what all I was looking to shoot and let me know he had more projects in his workshop if I wanted to see them.  Um...yes!!!

I was seriously blown away by what I saw inside.  These pictures are projects he's still working on and I couldn't believe how incredible they were...

He makes these structures with recycled material and you may recognize some of his stuff from around Green Bay. He's made a ton of stuff for Nakashimas and a giant dragon for Paul Reed Smith Guitars!!!

Did I mention the two adorable dogs he has?...

Lol look at that sweet face!

Yea so serious awesomeness going on here, you should check out the rest of his stuff here on his facebook!

1 comment:

  1. See Miles Amorelli at his new location on Hwy 42/57 south of Sturgeon Bay, about 5 miles south of town. He has some great new work. Also if you go to the Eggstravaganza at Egg Harbor WI, you can see one of Miles' great creations, an eggcellent adventure!
